
1 Day Wānanga

Tuatahi is a 1 day wānanga that is designed to teach the foundations of authentic Māori healing and bodywork

Focus & Outcomes

Romiromi is a powerful indigenous healing modality that has many benefits. It is often passed down from generation to generation and taught in the process of wānanga. Our traditional practices including romiromi are an important part of reclaiming our wellness, of knowing and understanding our Tinana, our Hinengaro and our Wairua. Romiromi is another way to work in wairua to support whanau to release blocked energy, trauma, and disease.

In our wānanga you will be taught about the importance of safety when working within wairua with practitioners who have extensive experience in this healing modality. Learn the foundations of authentic māori  healing and bodywork. This workshop is for everyone, whether you are a beginner or experienced practitioner – Māori or non-Māori – you are welcome to attend.

In this safe and sacred space, we will dive deep into learning about the realms of the atua, whakapapa of energy and vibration, holistic wellbeing, waiata and takutaku. We will learn traditional tools and knowledge of our ancestors to help us navigate our way through this modern world.