Who We Are
Welcome to Te Whare Whakaora
We are passionate about delivering a culturally founded service in the aim of achieving the best possible health outcomes for our communities.
We use ancient traditional wisdom and practices to enhance wellbeing and understanding. We have Kahukura Clinic which offers individual sessions for people to access in their healing journey and Te Whai Ao which delivers training for individuals and groups. All of our work is rooted deeply in Te Ao Māori and embedded in Tikanga Māori.

He waka eke noa
A canoe which we are all in with no exception

Our People
Hera Cotter
Hera has more than six years of designing, facilitating, and delivering Romiromi wānanga, workshops and practises. She is an ACC registered Hauora Māori vendor who is a Kairomiromi and wānanga facilitator in private practice in both Tamaki and Te Tai Tokerau. She independently contracts to the NZ Police, The Royal Commission, The Wellington Rape Crisis Centre and The New Zealand Counsellors Association providing workforce development and training. She also works alongside Turuki Health Care in Tamaki, as a Kairomiromi and facilitator of wānanga with staff and clients.
Hera has experience working with people with long term injuries, sexual abuse, domestic violence, methamphetamine drug addiction, homelessness, post-traumatic stress disorder and more. Through her work, Hera has witnessed profound positive changes of haoura within the individuals and whanau she has worked with.
What Our Clients Say