2 Day Wānanga
Dive deeper into romiromi through this 2 day in-person wānanga in Tāmaki Makaurau.
Focus & Outcomes
Dive deeper into romiromi through this 2 day in-person waananga in Tāmaki Makaurau. In this safe space we will cover Takutaku, Waiata, Whakapapa, Haemata (pressure points), establishing & maintaining spiritual safety & working within the whatumanawa.
Prerequisite: Completed our 1-day foundation wānanga
Romiromi is a powerful indigenous healing modality that has many benefits. It is often passed down from generation to generation and taught in the process of wānanga. Our traditional practices including romiromi are an important part of reclaiming our wellness, of knowing and understanding our Tinana, our Hinengaro and our Wairua. Romiromi is another way to work in wairua to support whanau to release blocked energy, trauma, and disease.