Kahukura Clinic

Individual Romiromi & Mirimiri Sessions

Kahukura Clinic provides individual sessions to improve hauora (general health and wellbeing).

We work with the traditional Māori healing modalities of Mirimiri and Romiromi.

These modalities incorporate body work and work to support our psychological, emotional, spiritual and physical wellbeing. 

Whāia te mātauranga hei oranga mō koutou

Seek after learning for the sake of your wellbeing

Types of Treatments

What is Romiromi?

Romiromi is a form of bodywork that can be found within the holistic wellbeing practices of traditional Māori healing which on a surface level can help to ease the physical pains and strains held within our bodies, accumulated through daily life.

Romiromi can help to release emotional, psychological and spiritual energies. Our bodies hold cellular memories of energy – every emotion, thought and experience that we encounter in our lives is stored somewhere within our bodies.  

This energy accumulates over time, and is also passed down our family line – we inherit and we gift the inheritance through the generations of our families (whakapapa). Romiromi can help release these energies, easing pain, emotional tension, stress, illness, and trauma thereby setting ourselves and our future generations free.


What is Mirimiri?

Mirimiri is a form of bodywork that is a wellbeing practice within traditional Māori healing . Mirimiri invigorates and energises our body, clearing and lifting the burdens that we tend to carry within our bodies.


Session Details

What will my session look like?

The sessions are approximately one hour long and will start with whitiwhiti korero (consultation) to discuss what it is that you are ready to work through or shift (this can be psychological, physical, emotional and spiritual). 

  • We use karakia and takutaku, and waiata (traditional chants and songs) within our sessions.
  • It is recommended that you wear loose clothes, and to come with an empty stomach.  
  • To get the most from your sessions, we recommend that you give yourself the necessary time and space to adjust and integrate the healing.  
  • As we work holistically – please be aware that once you start this journey, things may come up for you that may be triggering or unsettling, we always recommend that you have support systems in place (self care, family, friends, professional support) to help sustain you and that you reach out to let us know if you are feeling unsettled or concerned in any way.

Ways to Fund & Access Treatment

Frequently Asked Questions

  • A private session is $200
  • ACC & EAP Sessions we ask for a $25 koha per session.
  • If you are unwaged we have a sliding scale and ask that you pay an amount that reflects what you are able to pay balanced by what you believe the session is worth

Ae, yes, you can bring  a support person with you.

We have a 48 hour cancellation policy that applies, unless under specific circumstances which can be discussed on a case by case basis.  This applies to all sessions – ACC or EAP or Private

A koha is an energetic exchange and we suggest anywhere between $25-$50 is appropriate.  If you are unable to pay cash then a koha can be anything that you feel has value.

We  believe it is important there is an energy exchange of some sort and that we honour the mana of each other.  This is inline with our mātauranga understanding that this universe is reciprocal.  If we do not pay a koha of some sort, the universe will ask for a payment in another way.  

Yes we charge a $25 surcharge/Koha  to  ACC/EAP clients, this is paid when making an online booking. If paying this is a barrier to you receiving treatment. Please contact us to discuss. 

We have three Kahukura clinic locations :

Tāmaki Clinic : 

12 Waddon Place, Mangere MAP

For this clinic please park out in the public carpark on Waddon Place and walk around between Building 12 and the Birthing Centre – the clinic is the black cabin is in the carpark behind those buildings.

Te Tai Tokerau Clinics 

Wednesdays at Haerenga Houra-  Shop 6 460 Maunu Road, Maunu

Thursdays at Haerenga Houra- 75 Whau Valley Road, Whau Valley


Our Community Clinic is run fortnightly on Mondays from 12-3pm at Turuki Health Care, 7 Ronwood Ave in Manukau. Please see community clinic tab above for upcoming dates.

We would love to hear from you!

Book Appoinments Online or Call Today